ubica II

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Subproject 4: Children of Adolescent Mothers

How do children of adolescent mothers develop after school entry?

Location: Aachen

The aim of this subproject is to study the developmental course of children (aged 6 to 7 years) of teenage mothers compared to children of adult mothers. These mother-child dyads were examined from the age of 3 months until kindergarten age at four measurement points within UBICA I. From the age of 6 to 7 years, it is now possible to record the development of the child from different perspectives (teacher's judgement, self-judgement of the child) and also to depict the neuronal correlates of the children's social-cognitive abilities by making use of fMRI examinations. In particular, we now want to investigate differences between children of teenage and adult mothers with respect to long-term childhood (i) emotional and cognitive development, (ii) health-related quality of life and psychopathology, and (iii) social-cognitive abilities (empathy, theory of mind (ToM)). Furthermore, risk and protective factors for favorable versus unfavorable developmental trajectories of the children of teenage mothers will be identified.

Forschungsverbuende gegen Gewalt und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend